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Terms of use of the material

Publications, articles, interviews, photo-video-audio materials, etc. published on Lemons.ge, etc. Represents the intellectual property of the site, which is protected by law.

Publications, articles, interviews, photo-video-audio materials, etc. published on lemons.ge Is an official work and therefore the copyright on the mentioned works belongs to "studio lemon" Ltd.

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Publications, articles, interviews, photo-video-audio materials, etc. in all kinds of media, print or internet media. Use (reprint) is governed by written agreement only. In the case of TV and radio media, it is necessary to indicate the source and the author when using them.

Lemons.ge publications, articles, interviews, photo-video-audio materials, etc. Use in other print, Internet, TV or other media with the written consent of the copyright holder, as well as the use of publications in TV and radio media without reference to the source, is possible only if the publication fee is paid.