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04. 06. 2021
Digital Marketing in the new era
Mоst digitаl business leаders hаve сhаnged the gаme, esрeсiаlly with their mаrketing strаtegies.
See More
14. 03. 2020
როგორ დავიცვათ თანამშრომლები კორონავირუსისგან და რას სთავაზობს ლემონსი ბიზნესს
კორონავირუსის გავრცელების თავიდან აცილების მიზნით, მსოფლიოს სხვადასხვა ქვეყნებში დასაქმებულთა დიდი ნაწილი მუშაობის დისტანციურ რეჟიმზე გადავიდა.
30. 09. 2019
7 principles of UX design for creating great website
During the day we spend a lot of time online reading news, navigating websites and using web apps. But our experience online is not the best that we could have.
16. 08. 2019
Jack Trout – It’s better to be first than it is to be better
People who are interested in management and marketing know about Jack Trout
16. 08. 2019
How trademark becomes a brand?
After what trademark becomes a brand, and what pushes customers to differentiate it from other products? How it becomes special?
16. 08. 2019
10 scientific methods to reduce stress
Stress is becoming one of the main threats to mental health in the 21st century.
05. 08. 2019
Content is fire, social network is gasoline - Jay Baer
Marketer is a person who must know everything; Content marketing, social network activities, advertising, working on reputation - this is the part of his/her everyday routine
05. 08. 2019
Influence of colors on customers
The color can give you a sense of brand philosophy in the subconscious, and establish a relationship.
05. 08. 2019
10 Body language tips for public speakers
Public speaking is a responsible and exciting task to do. Presenting makes you face of the company or the project
31. 07. 2019
Nowadays in Georgia construction industry is extremely compatible.
18. 06. 2019
We provide 5 Marketing tips by David Ogilvy, in order to help you to improve your marketing strategies.
27. 03. 2019
The purpose of this typographic trend is to break down the complex decorative details and ornaments in the design
26. 11. 2018
“I already have enough clients”. This is easy and at the same time a strong argument
14. 06. 2018
As traffic is a vital force for any online business, the low number of site visitors has a negative impact on business.
18. 05. 2018
There are two types of human thinking: conscious thinking and unconscious thinking.
08. 05. 2018
Nowadays, most marketers know the age, sex, geolocation, browsing behavior, and purchase history of their target customer segments.
18. 09. 2015
The 8 best video ads of the decade