4 biggest mistakes made while working in social media !!!
Proper management of the social network can bring great success to the business. You must remember that mistakes in this field can be disastrous for the company!
In recent years, the business pages of companies in social networks have grown and their success depends solely on the favor of the majority of users. Mistakes that can be made by a business in social networking can disrupt all spent resources and cause a great aggression towards users of a company's products and activities. Correcting such a mistake is very difficult and sometimes impossible, so keep all these tips in order to be protected.
1.Inadequate posts
Anu inadequate behavior by a brand, company on the social network will soon be in the spotlight. Viral content that could do a good job for the firm is now working in the opposite direction. For example: an ad shot by a mattress maker, released a year after the Sept. 11 tragedy, proved fatal to the Miracle Mattress firm. Users only came across the company page to illustrate their aggressive attitude. While searching this company on Google, along with information and pictures of the company, they also show a terrible video link.
Trolls - An Internet slang that denotes someone who posts inadequate and provocative information on a forum, chat, blog, etc. They get a lot of pleasure when you respond aggressively to their aggression, playing with your emotions and trying to catch up. The best way to fight them is to ignore them. Any aggressive actions will push you to take them further, which will increase the number of people like you on the page.
3.Incorrect selection of target audience
Age, gender, profession - this is not enough information for social networking. Create a detailed model of your potential customers, think about which stores they shop for, how and with whom they rest, what is the main purpose of his life!
4.Buy subscribers and "likes"
Everyone wants to quickly promote their business page, so they go to service centers that offer subscribers and subscribers. At this time, you have to understand that most of your page visitors are not human, they are programmed robots that are simply programmed to search different pages. You won't get real users, real sales and leads for this site from this fake audience. At a time when social networking is losing its meaning, you are not delivering information to your audience and thus losing users.
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