What is a brandbook
The Lemons company was founded in 2012, but started its activities in 2009. At that time, there were many highly qualified competitors on the Georgian market, nevertheless, Lemons.ge took a worthy place among them. The scope of our services is quite diverse and includes almost all services necessary for online promotion.
Main field of activity:
- Website design of any size and complexity;
- Creation of promo (business) sites;
- Large corporate portals.
Web design Logo design Brand book. What is a brand book: a set of rules for working with brand attributes. Links to the use of visual materials and certain prohibitions.
What a brand book consists of: documents (for example, a form, a folder), print samples (for example, a flyer, booklet, poster) and a souvenir design (for example, a pen, flash drive). However, this list may be different in each case, with some being added or subtracted as needed.
Who is it for: PR managers, marketing managers, designers, printers and anyone with experience in content, visual design or printing. What its presence brings to the organization: consistency, clarity, style. The mission of the brand book is to correctly convey to employees the idea of the brand and its most important components. It reflects the laws of the brand. The brand book contains positioning, mission, company values, all laws on the use of corporate identity elements and their detailed specification. The creation of a brand guide is the final part of the development of a sapphire style that allows the company in the future to properly reflect the brand's visual style in any channel or medium of communication.
Packaging design - This is an important part of communication in many types of business. For enterprises operating in the retail market, especially in the field of consumer goods, this is an irreplaceable communicator. The packaging either makes the buyer ready or goes unnoticed. Packaging design instantly gives shoppers an insight into your brand value, taste, image, and even price point. Along with the visual settings, the packaging should make the product easy to use and therefore enjoyable to interact with. At the next stage of packaging design, our specialists test every detail, take into account the attitude, moods of potential customers and make adjustments. We will create several packaging options and test them on the people for which your product and offer is intended.
For advice and help, you have always supported me and my company.
Only original solutions - Lemons.ge
Address: Tsereteli Ave. # 117 a
Email Email: info@lemons.ge
Office: (+995) 032 2 45 01 01