Effective website landing characteristics from A to Z

15. 03. 2018

Effective website landing is a science that requires detailed planning. It concentrates on tiny details in strategy making. 

So, here are characteristics from A to Z

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A - Analytics 
Without them, you’re lost. Ignorance is bliss only if you don’t know the cost. 
B - Bounce Rate
They left and you didn’t have a chance to meet them? How quickly they go, how many lefts, you can find reasons why they leave. 
C - Conversion
The purpose of the landing is the activity on the page,
Conversion is what you need to strive for.

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D - Design 
Most importantly, it must be functional, at first glance it will attract more people to the site, and you will get a profit soon!
E - Engagement 
It is all about feelings and emotions. Users should feel positive emotions when they come to your site, your users should always be interested! You have to offer them interesting content.
F - Flow
Good flow is one of the main components of success.

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G - Goal 
Before building your website, you should know what is the goal you want to achieve. 
H - Headline
Without a good headline, you can’t attract customers. They won’t continue reading if they don’t like the heading. 
I - Imagery
The power of the metaphor is indisputable: they help to draw people's attention.

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J - Justification 
Everyone can just praise himself, but the clever approach is to make a good impression and to justify your statements.
K - Key performance indicators, KPI 
An indicator that helps companies achieve their goals. Through key indicators, the company assesses its current situation and makes changes if necessary.
L - Layout 
If the layout of information is friendly with the design then the outcome will be satisfying. 

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M - Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, but there is always a way out. If you get rid of extra elements and details, you will avoid potential threats. 
N - Navigation 
Avoid complicated navigation. The sooner customer understands your website the longer they stay. 
O - Optimization 
Apply optimization to improve results through testing.

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P - Performance 
The sooner the website loads, the sooner the user becomes aware of the content. 
Q - Qualifying
Lead qualification - include everyone interested in you on your list and get rid of those who don’t care. 
R - Resistance 
To overcome resistance, think about eliminating resistance. Use the help of reviews, recommendations, nothing is more important than information.

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S - Search Engine Optimization, SEO 
The first place always belongs to the champion, and they always use the best words. A correct combination of words is good for SEO. 
T - Traffic 
With interesting content, users will automatically come to you. 
U - Understanding 
In case you’ve got a good product, people will find you. Start taking care of customers and profit will come. 

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V - Visuals 
The simplest means of attracting users are word changers - video and photo.
W - Writing 
Content and interesting articles are some of the prerequisites for success. 
 X - X-ray 
You’re going to need an x-ray vision to have answers to any question. 

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Y - You 
You are the main author and soul of a website. Tell your story to your audience. 
Z - Zen 
Find Your Zen (According to the doctrine of the Word, the discovery of being and the possession of wisdom go beyond conceptual categories and can only be achieved through inner illumination). All business people need to think about customers and solve their problems.

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