Do you want your construction company to be famous? We are ready, get ready too!
Nowadays in Georgia construction industry is extremely compatible. There are so many construction companies that people get confused and it's hard for them to make choice. We help customers to choose, and at the same time, we help construction companies to become popular and grow sales.
How do we do that?
We will tell the story about our successful project.
Nowadays Alpha Residence is one of the most successful companies that trusted us their project – Home near Kikvidze park. We have exclusive sales permission. The contract was signed in summer 2018 and soon Alpha residence trusted us another project – Home in Bagebi.
Our biggest advantage is our resources: Various advertising channels, technical abilities, and stuff, which optimally uses those resources and takes care of the partner’s reputation and success. Most importantly stuff is oriented on the outcome, that is not only sales growth but also growth in quality.
First time in Georgia, we are responsible for wholesales of a construction company with absolutely different conditions.
We will shortly tell the story of our first successful steps in construction company sales outsourcing. At first, we invested in clients’ marketing communication and sales. Outcomes were unexpectedly good and only after successful work we received payment. This is an absolute comfort for any company.
For correct expectations, we analyzed our work and we want to share it with you. So, this is what happened. During the first month, our sales were 7-9% of the value of the whole project. And till today we keep a 10% increase each month.
We risk financially but we provide all services connected to sale:
- Branding, naming
- Strategy and implementation of marketing communication
- Market research
- Making price policy (setting the maximum price according to the location and terms)
- Legal consultations
- Accounting
We also provide the necessary human resources:
- Sales managers
- Call center operators
- Operators
- Online platform operators
- Marketers
- Analysts
- Administrative managers
- Post-sale managers
We ensure control of payments. In the case of internal installment, we check each monthly payment and in case of communication with banks, we provide the best offers for customers.
We fully fund the necessary advertising activities and provide all kinds of PR and technological tools for stuff.
We plan and work for the development of a brand (corporate evenings, different events oriented on customer’s loyalty, business fairs, and etc.)
Working with us brings
- Time
- Finances
- Human resources
- Fame
- Image/reputation
- Sales
So, you, as professionals, can continue your job – building. And trust sale to us, field professionals.
For my consultation and help, me and my company will be always with you.
Only original solutions -
Address: Tsereteli ave. #117ა
Office: ( 995) 032 2 45 01 01