Why do you need your website???
It’s not surprising that any business needs consumers. And at some point company starts searching and attract them.
Good news! Website is the best way to introduce your company to others.
Before creating website, asked questions are following - what is the aim of website and how it is supposed to function.
What is the general concept of website?
Website is a face of company or individual on an online platform. Communication, information and advertising - all of it is possible on your website. So, it is a great tool to attract consumers.
Main function of the website for the company is to make visitors become potential consumers
Functions of website:
Information - People visit website when they want to know something. So, companies should introduce their aims and functions to consumers. Consumer should be updated on every important step which company is taking. New partners, changes in price, new services - all of these should be available for all. This creates an image of transparency of company.
Advertising - information on website should be represented in a way to attract consumers. So, any kind of website automatically become platform for advertising.
Communication - with the help of this function, consumers can contact each other and also company representative. This is a good way of receiving feedback.
Image - Since websites functions as a face of the company, it guarantees image of company itself.
Marketing - Websites are great help for selling service and product. Online shops and corporate websites benefit from this function.
Why websites?
Don’t we have other sources to get information?
Why it’s effective?
It’s not new and surprising that development of technologies has changed possibilities to access any kind of information. People has made the internet one of the main sources of information. Your website guarantees that people will know more about you and your activities.
Sounds easier than such source as newspaper, TV or radio right?
Information on websites may differ. For example
Information about company
Information about the company's services, projects and already finished programs
Feedback from consumers
Contact information, address and map
Form for feedback, questioning, polls, etc.
The sooner consumers has information about you, the sooner they build their attitude towards you. Well ordered websites will save your time and money resources.
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Email: info@lemons.ge
Office: (+995) 032 2 45 01 01