10 creative branding trends in 2019, Part 1

14. 03. 2019

1. Shapeshifting logos 

Let’s start with the most important change which 2019 is going to bring. With the help of technological progress, many marketers refuse to have an already old fashioned principle of never changing your logo. Today choices are made in favor of optimization and changing shapes of logos. 

The idea is that the brands should have several versions of the logo in order to use them on different occasions. Logo for mobile application - a small, simple version. Advertising, stinging t-shirts - a black and white logo which will save you money. 

If this concept is acceptable for you, we will show 3 areas where it will succeed: 

Responsive: on the digital platform, where your logo will change according to the size of the screen (Personal computer, laptop, planchet, mobile phones) 

Contextual: Logo changes according to where it is used. (Different logos for business cards, t-shirts and etc.)

Varying - some parts of your logo can be changed according to marketing campaign (for example, Google changes its logo on different celebration days) 

There is no need for many versions - usually, four versions are enough. 

Vintage Homes and Design logo
 Agi Amri- Different designs of one logo
Разный дизайн одного логотипа от goopanic
 goopanic- Different designs of one logo
Разный дизайн одного логотипа от Martis Lupus
 Martis Lupus- Different designs of one logo
2. Eye-catching Serif 
Minimalism in digital design is dominant. It is not only aesthetic but also practical. Minimalist design is loaded faster and looks good on different sizes of screen. But, lately, we see backlash to minimalism, including Serif trends. 
Serif was used as a minimalist branding method. 2019 brought back this method and this can be explained by the popularity of vintage. Thus, the main reason can be its ability to give individuality to the brand. This year Serif has an individual character with a modern and classical style. 
Дизайн лендинга от Mike Barnes
Mike Barnes
Дизайн лендинга от Mike Barnes
 Mike Barnes
Cocotopia Web Page
 Sandra Eftimie
3. Friendlier Geometrics 
Let’s talk about one of the most futuristic trends in branding - Geometrics. It involves straight lines, grids, and abstract shapes. This style appeals to one’s desire for order. But, geometry comes with one drawback. Such mathematical designs are cold, intimidating and can also be oppressive. The solution is an evolution of geometry in branding. 
To counteract such drawbacks, designers use several tricks. Firstly, you can use bright and warm colors to add some new and original look. Secondly, you can add more curves and slightly round details. It will bring more positive vibes.

Alo logo

bo_rad - Logo Design  
Instagram logo
Benevolent product packaging
Packaging design J U L I A M A R I E
Florida Panhandle logo
 CostinLogopus Logo Design
The Cirquit logo
 enfanterrible - Logo Design
4. Vintage as inspiration 
In 2019 we will see vintage mainly in logo and packing design.
VIntage inspired logos center around the main image, most likely hand-drawn illustrations. They are often frames and includes the company’s name in a hand lettered font. If there is some more space even slogans are included. Vintage logos also include the year of establishment of the brand and usually, they look very old fashioned. 
C.R.M.B.S. product packaging
 Martis Lupus -Packaging design
Artifact Jack logo
 Footstep -Logo Design
Bull N Bear Brewery Logo
Goat Island Oyster Company logo
 DSKY -Logo Design
The Nature Alchemist product packaging
 Steve Hai-  Packaging design
Copper & Cane Distilling logo
 Sign²in- Logo Design

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